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Show Last Weekend @ Socrates

I went with Elena to see a sweet noise show at Socrates Live House on a whim. I didn't know any of the 4 bands that played. It's actually something I do often, looking for new bands. Well, the show was excellent! The first band was by far the best, but the following three were quite entertaining as well. Here's a breakdown of the bands I remember and their music:

  1. Awesome noise band. These guys were my favorite group of the night. They really had a great sound and very solid composing ability. Name is "したっぱ親分" ("Shitappa Oyabun"). See video below.
  2. A kind of pseudo-post-punk band. I think this band's name was "VICE". Definitely had influence from the 80s British scene. They also had this kind of gothic edge. Although I didn't find them particularly original or compelling, they did a really great job of capturing that post-punk sound. They were kind of droney. (Video Below)
  3. Gothic band? "BACTERIA" was the name. Their sound was kind of cool, but nothing special.
  4. I can't remember what kind of music these guys were, but I remember I wasn't particularly impressed.
The first band definitely stole the show that night. They were extremely solid and awesome. Their name was したっぱ親分. I'm hanging out and drinking with those guys tomorrow night, actually. The drummer's name is Kazuya, and all the band members are really fun guys.


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